Friday, April 15, 2011

Legacy Pictures and whatnot.

I updated the family tree. It has 30something sims in it! Only 4 sims aren't family and are just in a relationship with someone and one sim is a simbot and not related at all! 
Recently I downloaded Twallan's Story Progression Mod. Which I now don't think I could live without.. I get so much news from the extended legacy family so I don't need to occasionally switch to them and see what is going on! 
I also finally potty trained Sirious, the heir, today! And finished all his twins learnings as well. So I should be ready and able to pick his next trait!

Samantha and the babysitter. He denied her her first kiss.. D: She wants to be BFFs with him. So I guess I'll make that happen then get them to date. Maybe it'll work better then.
I thought this was just incredibly cool. I never knew that Simbots could do that! Then again, I have very little experience with Simbots! That's Cora.
She's insane. So of course she has to wear her formal wear to water her (withering) garden!

Two of the sims in a relationship with sims in the extended family of the legacy have a pretty weird relationship! Terra Redsticks is dating Jon Hobart who has a daughter, Somer, that is dating Terra's first cousin Lenny Redsticks. Pretty weird. If Jon and Terra were to get married, Lenny and Somer would be step second cousins! Weird. I didn't do that, either! I got Lenny to date Somer. But Terra and Jon started dating on their own. I guess it adds excitement to the family tree?? Even though it kinda seems a little incestuous.. Lol.

Terra! She's a vamp. If you can't tell.

Terra's boyfriend Jon Hobart.
Lenny Redsticks. He's Nick Alto's son and Chloe's nephew! Jack, Terra's dad, is Chloe's older brother!
Somer is dating Lenny and is the daughter of Jon!

Now some flashback pics to the first generation!
The founder, Maria. Sitting on the toilet when she couldn't afford a chair to sit and eat on. I found this absolutely hilarious.
The nursery. The first room I was ever able to fully furnish in their house.
Maria, the founder, dying. She died a fair amount of days after her husband. She wasn't too willing to go.
She succeeded in finishing her lifetime wish! To raise 5 kids from babies to teens.
Cody, the heir's husband. When he was an adult.
That's either Alyson or Samantha. I found this absolutely adorable!

Cody as an old man. He's old now as I am playing.

I can't seem to get his logic skill to go any higher then this! He can spend all day playing chess or reading the level two logic book (He can't read three, his skill isn't high enough) and it won't go from that spot. It's aggravating. He needs it to get to level ten of his career so I can retire him! Argh! Any advice?
Cody Redsticks
Cody playing chess with Somer and it's still pretty much the same!

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